By Sam_Licker81 - 19/11/2009 16:41 - United States

Today, I was baking cookies and opened the oven door to check on them. Apparently, wearing a gold necklace means the wave of heat will burn your very fair skin. I now have a bright red ring of stars around my neck. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 795
You deserved it 6 691

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

West coast redneck. The physics of this story is somewhat dubious if you are using a normal oven. Do not bake cookies in an iron smelter!

First I thought "YDI" but then again I'd burn myself for some cookies So, FYL. :P


Yea Im with DresdenB17. The physics of this are not possible, if there was enough heat transfer to make the metal that hot your neck would have certainly been close enough to burn without touching the necklace. This is simply physics and thermodynamics unless of course you have found a necklace that generates energy without any fuel in which case congrats because you are going to be the worlds first trillionare. Bullshit.

Good use of some big words, but Fail at their application to logic.

I like how the idiots who obviously don't know enough to know this can be true is stating with such conviction that this is a fake entry. Please don't diss if you don't know.

#78, I like you. That tattoo idea is a very "glass is half full" thought.

quarty165 0

While I agree with what you're trying to say, don't go calling people idiots if you can't even handle subject-verb agreement.

While for most people this could be a very bad thing I would actually kind of think a burn mark of starts on my neck would be cool. But since the OP is obviously not that type of person, I suppose FYL.

88sforlife 0

Should Have Stuk Wih Ur First Thought

whatever this isnt an fml...theres people on here who have actually tragic heartbreaking stuff happen to them.