By babymine - 09/03/2012 04:45 - United States

Today, I was boarding a plane and a woman's bag started to fall. In the spur of the moment I thrust my arm up to catch it. I didn't catch the bag, but I did catch her boob. I had to sit next to her for the rest of the flight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 060
You deserved it 2 962

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jammy_side_up 0

if she drops her bag again.. you know why. lol

At least it wasn't a total loss...right?


Snafuusmc 12

I'm sure a simple explanation or a apology will do.

mxnuelh 2

It's kind of like a bag. Only the wrong one.

Couldn't just let it go huh? You should have just asked her if, since you already had your fun, if she would let you go to your seat and let someone else hold her boob for the flight.

I didn't know TSA started doing onboard bag checks. *grabs boob* "Alright ma'am, everything feels good to me. You're free to make way to your seat."

While ur there go ahead and feel herself up some more

you should've just let it fall OP and then apologize if your bag landed on her...

Llama_Face89 33

Her bag. He was trying to be helpful.

babyshaft408 8