By Emil - 20/11/2011 21:42 - United States

Today, I was caught stealing a video game. I realized after my parents were called that the case was actually empty. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 073
You deserved it 90 179

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Stalkers 0

It's called a display case for a reason.


****. **** your parent's life for bringing up such an asshat.

Strafeh 9
ArielTheMermaid 17

"Today I got caught stealing a video game..." clicked YDI

drzhottie148 0

WW3, I have yet to hear of this game?

CoolRainbowdash 15

You're a ******* dumbass not just for stealing, but for thinking that the store (which I'm guessing is Gamestop) is just gonna leave video games in the cases. Rent the games you want next time and stop being a cancer to society.