By Emil - 20/11/2011 21:42 - United States

Today, I was caught stealing a video game. I realized after my parents were called that the case was actually empty. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 073
You deserved it 90 179

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Stalkers 0

It's called a display case for a reason.


thepatty8474 10

Didn't you feel that it didn't have anything in it? Fyl

PiperWoods 0

Lol did you try and steal from Gamestop?

You sir are an idiot, i live in a country that is full of assholes like you and let me tell you that if you want something work for it

Omega_Mus 7

How can you post this without expecting your ass to get chewed out? YDI. If you can't afford it, then you can't have it.

Ah, the new generation reigns supreme...

That is the dumbest thing anyone can ever do.

You are ******* stupid wtf really a video game why not just steal a car **** tard

you sir have gone off the charts of my fail meter.