By Emil - 20/11/2011 21:42 - United States

Today, I was caught stealing a video game. I realized after my parents were called that the case was actually empty. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 071
You deserved it 90 155

Same thing different taste

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Stalkers 0

It's called a display case for a reason.


You give a new meaning to the term 'worthless'

MwahFMLS 6

Ta da, Karma just bit you in the ass! :)

silver848 6

Dipshit move. I wouldn't even do that!

taytaylal 11

Kids, this is why you dont drop out of school and do drugs. im a girl and i dont even play video games, but i know if your trying to steal (im assuming MW3) a new game, DUH THERE ISNT GONNA BE THE GAME INSIDE THE CASE. DERP.

stephanieeDawnx 0

The way I interpreted it.. Was a joke, that since he paid nothing for it, he got an empty case, therefore, got NOTHING. XD

Um u do know they do that so people can't steal right when u buy the game they give u the game wow ur smart

Queen_of_Night 20

So you're one of the dumba**es I had to keep making cases for... Did you really think that any store is going to just have a $60+ easily concealable, highly sought after merchandise just sitting there poised and ready to steal? And even if the game was in the case it's called a security label that makes the alarm on the door make all kinds of pretty noises.

For real? Try having some real problems ****** waaaah I steal cause I'm stupid and want stuff. Work for it bitch!

Don't you have money to buy the game? instead of stealing it??