By Emil - 20/11/2011 21:42 - United States

Today, I was caught stealing a video game. I realized after my parents were called that the case was actually empty. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 073
You deserved it 90 179

Same thing different taste

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Stalkers 0

It's called a display case for a reason.


SkardeyKat 3

Are we supposed to pity your failed attempt at thievery? I hope your parents went old school on your ass.

Cut his phucking hand off! Gotta love kicking it old school.

witchdoctor1 9

Belts n wooden spoons are how old days. Nowadays people see parent discipline as child abuse. Slapping their faces n making black eyes? Abuse. smacking their ass raw to teach them they did something wrong? So deserved in this case

kiraleann 16

I hope you weren't expecting any sympathy posting this because you're shit out of luck.

Just because it was GTA does not mean you can steal it.

What about System of a Down's "Steal This Album?" I've always wondered about that.

Ergayles 9

Ever thought about asking your parents to buy the game for you?

FreakingFYou 13

Maybe they wouldn't and op was such a cheap ass that he decided to steal. Or he's just under 17 and his parents think he can just wait a couple more months.

get a job. then you can actually pay for your own games.

I hope they put your damn punk ass in jail. It's bastards like you who drive up the cost of items for those of us who are honest.