By retard99 - 21/03/2010 04:04 - Canada

Today, I was chatting with my girlfriend on MSN. I screen-copied my desktop to show her the conversation I was having with my best friend. Minutes later she replied asking why I had a porn site opened on the other tab. Oops. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 339
You deserved it 53 357

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ah this bring me back to the days of 9th grade and round there. msn use to be the bee's knees


Hiropon 0

You're a failure because: 1) You watch ****. 2) You didn't think of hiding the tap while screening your desktop. Sicko.

just be like "oh I'm sure u have too".

kekelala3 0

u deserved it for being a insensitive pervert especially when u hav a GF

Theatregeek788 0

why do you have a **** tab open? cause I'm watching **** and tabs are cool like that

applz_fml 0

I bet you answer is not mine I'm just holding it for a friend... LOL XD

I bet u answer it's not mine I'm just holding it for a friend... lol