By retard99 - 21/03/2010 04:04 - Canada

Today, I was chatting with my girlfriend on MSN. I screen-copied my desktop to show her the conversation I was having with my best friend. Minutes later she replied asking why I had a porn site opened on the other tab. Oops. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 339
You deserved it 53 357

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ah this bring me back to the days of 9th grade and round there. msn use to be the bee's knees


AlgorithMan 0

Men watch ****. all men. no exceptions. just admit it and tell your gf to get over it, because she will never find a man who doesn't do that - only men who are more successful at lying to her about it... really, ask her to watch it with you - watching **** together usually leads to really hot sex... most girls like ****, too, you know

Probably should stop watching ****... Eww.

lemonademixer 7

Soon after I began dating my boyfriend, I asked to use his phone's internet for last-minute research. I guess he had forgotten about the full-volume porno he had been playing that morning. Did I mention we were in our classroom?

It was at this moment he knew....... He ****** up

ajs1987 15

My girlfriend recently saw my ****-filled internet history, she thought it was funny and said it's no big deal. I think I need to wife this girl up quick.