By civicman - 27/09/2009 02:19 - Canada

Today, I was cuddling on the couch with my girlfriend when I started to tickle her, she asked me to stop but I continued. She had a reaction, and kneed me in the happy sacks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 676
You deserved it 66 255

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hate it when my bf doesn't stop. I always end up elbowing him or kicking him. You deserve it for not listening.

Girlfriend used knee! it's super effective! Enemy Gyarados fainted!


Seriously, anyone that says YDI then they are seriously wrong, the pain inflicted can be excruciating, so im going to use an analogy that its like if you shot some one with a potato gun then they shot you with a real one. Doesnt equate now does it?

jchansfan 0

Pshhh getting sack is nothing like getting shot... you're just a baby... :P But yeah, you should have stopped OP... :P

Haha I think you deliberately missed my point, either way im going to assume you did but i agree my analogy was bad.

QueenOfMelodrama 0

I'm sorry, but I can't honestly think of anything more unpleasant than being tickled. I obviously have not encountered being kicked in the nuts, but I would rather experience extreme physical pain than be tickled. So yes, it is 100% deserved, ESPECIALLY because he continued after she told him to stop.

still equates to me. she said stop he didn't. at that point in time he started violating her

lcsun69 0

"She asked me to stop but I continued." That give you your answer?

RubixMonkey 0

She asked you to stop. It's not cute, GIRLS do not like it. Its not some cute thing we secretly are trying to inspire you to do. No means no. It probably hurt her. I would have kicked you in the balls, its you mute/restart button.

If you had testicles you would understand, seriously that can do serious damage how would you like it if i kicked you in the ovaries? Or gave you a **** punt?

RubixMonkey 0

Then you will learn not to keep touching a female when she tells you no. I am not saying I would do it all the time but the moment I ask a guy to stop and he doesn't then I get to thinking he does no respect me. If a guy does not respect me then he needs to be on guard because I think continuing to tickle someone when they ask them to stop is harassment no matter how long they have been married or dating.

RubixMonkey 0

I swear there was a comment between mine and ... well mine.

I don't think she did it on purpose. When people tickle me I completely lose control and lash out with my limbs everywhere. I'm sure it was a complete accident on her part. The fact that she warned him means he soooo deserved it.

YDI. If you were able to get to a computer to post this she obviously didn't hit you hard enough.

balls. next time, check slang on urban dictionary before asking it here

I know what it is. It's retarded to call it that unless u play with it :)

skatagurl 0

again with the happy sacks lol

you deserve it. Its really annoying when people tickle you and you want them to stop, I know

YDI for saying happy sacks. They're obviously not very happy anymore, anyway...