By civicman - 27/09/2009 02:19 - Canada

Today, I was cuddling on the couch with my girlfriend when I started to tickle her, she asked me to stop but I continued. She had a reaction, and kneed me in the happy sacks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 676
You deserved it 66 255

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hate it when my bf doesn't stop. I always end up elbowing him or kicking him. You deserve it for not listening.

Girlfriend used knee! it's super effective! Enemy Gyarados fainted!


MiniatureMayhem 0

When it comes to tickles, it's kinda like rape. No means no.

quarty165 0

i definitely agree with #99, except on a completely different level. and YDI for tickling someone and leaving yourself exposed. it's not like they can help squirming.

Tickling is a form of abuse. If she says stop you stop. I have been abused with tickling, I know how she feels. I am now paranoid when people touch my sides, or my tummy, thanks to people like you.

cryssycakesx3 22

if you say "tummy" like a child., I'd expect you'd get tickled and otherwise treated like a child.

For people like me, who are incredibly, unbelievably, unbearably ticklish, tickling is basically torture. When someone is tickling me, it is actually very painful, I am unable to breathe, and I completely lose control of all of my reflexes. Tickling is serious business. If OP's girlfriend is like me, I'd say that a knee to the balls is an appropriate course of action for someone who doesn't respond to "please stop now."

QueenOfMelodrama 0

I agree 100%. I'm the same as you. Tickling is one of the most unpleasant things ever. I would honestly rather be punched or thrown around than tickled...which is generally why I fight so hard to get away. I usually do end up throwing myself into a wall, table, or the floor. Then my friend will stop and be like "Dang, are you okay?" And I'm like "Yeah, I am NOW, you jerk." I don't get why people tickle. It's not funny. It's not cute. It's unpleasant and mean. I also flail and have very little control of what I do when tickled. One of my friends has learned not to tickle me because I've accidentally nailed him in the nuts one too many times. My other friend still hasn't gotten it, and every time he tickles me (or steals my shit) it makes me like him considerably less. One time, I was at a friend's birthday party and they all decided to play "The Tickle Game." Apparently, I was first. Unfortunately, my friend, the birthday girl, happened to be at my feet. I (unintentionally) kicked her in the face. But you know what, that's what you get. OP, I have no sympathy for you WHATSOEVER.

Some people don't have a problem with being tickled. Some people can't be tickled. Personally, whether it's an issue for me depends on who's doing it. So, yeah, it CAN be cute and fun. Just because you guys aren't able to enjoy it means everyone else is extremely sensitive like that.

I agree. My girlfriend and I both like to have tickle fights. I think part of the reason its enjoyable is that they are short tickle attacks by both of us instead of one of us dominating the other for extended periods of time. I feel sorry for the people that have been 'scarred' by tickling, because they are missing out on a potentially fun and innocent activity.

RubixMonkey 0

But your girlfriend doesn't hurt when she is tickled. Some people don't like it, they weren't saying that tickling is evil and no one should do it, they are saying they do not enjoy it and wish people would stop doing it to them. I HATE being tickled. People always do it and they think I am "kidding" when I say stop because it sounds like I am laughing--its called not being able to breathe. The problem is, when people say stop they MEAN stop. Some people really just don't like it. I don't the people above you don't, and just because your girlfriend likes it does not mean people like me and Op's girlfriend and the people above you are overreacting. you hate being kicked in the balls, we hate being tickled. It probably hurts the same for us as ball kicking does for you.

This has happened to my boyfriend a couple of times. He's learned now.

I absolutely hate being tickled. My sister used to tickle-torture me for 5 agonizing minutes at a time when we were little. You deserve it a million times over.

YDI for being careless / taking it too far. Also, if she doesn't like being tickled you should really stop doing it altogether. My wife is very ticklish and I tickle her to hear all the goofy noises and squeals she makes. We always mess with each other and she doesn't mind. It's easy to tell when you've taken it far enough; when demands to stop aren't as jokey, and she's starting to gasp more for breath it's time to ease off. HOWEVER, I've suffered a number of injuries whilst tickling her, or from her deliberate post-tickle attacks on me (I'm not ticklish and she's small, so she simply hits me or knee-drops me when I'm vulnerable; those bruises take a while to fade!). A ticklish person will thrash about; don't complain when you get hurt playing a risky sport.

RubixMonkey 0