By civicman - 27/09/2009 02:19 - Canada

Today, I was cuddling on the couch with my girlfriend when I started to tickle her, she asked me to stop but I continued. She had a reaction, and kneed me in the happy sacks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 676
You deserved it 66 255

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hate it when my bf doesn't stop. I always end up elbowing him or kicking him. You deserve it for not listening.

Girlfriend used knee! it's super effective! Enemy Gyarados fainted!


OK, has it really not occurred to anyone that "happy sacks" is probably a filter that the folks at put on the site to screen out "bad" words like "ballsack", "nuts", whatever? All of you COMMENTERS deserve what this guy got. How about that?

Hiimhaileypotter 52

This site is called '**** my life'... I doubt the mods would use a filter for 'balls'...

Christina21 2
L33L00_fml 0

hahaha I've done that to my bf accidentally. ouch but certainly your own fault.

Jessaly_fml 0

YDI, I don't know why people find it funny to tickle someone to the point where they are seriously at loss of breath, that's dangerous. And completely crossing someone's personal space...I'd rather get punched in the stomach than have someone tickle it. =/

Heed her warning. She asked you, and not playfully, to stop. Apologize and quit. You deserve to have your scroat injured.

Believe it or not, sometimes no DOES mean no. So yeah, getting kneed in the crotch was appropriate.

No means no, Jerk. Bet your "happy sacks" aren't so happy anymore. Take it as a lesson learned. Did it make you feel powerful getting to torture your girlfriend? That's what torture is, you know - unwanted pain against someone's will. You make me sick.

fxdxhk90 0

What the hell is it with women hitting dudes in the nuts? Ladies, get something straight. Hitting a man in the balls is never appropriate, unless you are in mortal danger.

spartan_girl 0

I don't know if she intentionally kneed you or not, but I did this to my husband once when we were first dating, and it was a complete accident. I would never do that to a guy (unless he was trying to rape me or something, lol), but we were laying on the couch, and he was tickling me, and I was saying stop but I was also squirming around to try and get away and my knee hit him. That could very well be the case here. And guys, like several other girls have said, most of us don't really like to be tickled, especially not for extended periods of time, and most of us don't like to have our stomachs touched at all.