By Amara1717 - 19/08/2009 04:22 - United States

Today, I was driving my little sister to school. She really didn't wanna go and was throwing a tantrum in the car. When we stopped at a red light, my sister notices a police man giving a ticket to another driver. She rolled down her window and screamed "Help me! I'm being kidnapped by a murderer!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 72 125
You deserved it 3 510

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Orchid_fml 2

lol no worries , i bet the cop didn't take her seriously . what a brat though .

Kiwi_Splash 0

Wow, she needs some discipline. That's what happens when loose cannons are raised.


awww this is tooo sad... why the hel* would ur sister do tht.. she knows its you.. you didnt get taken to jail.. right?

A1L12E4X26 0

You should have seen if the cop would make it look like they were arresting you and see if that would teach her a lesson.

elizanena9 0

ha! my cousin did that once. except he said " i don't want to dieeee!"

crzygrl90218 0

I woulda left her there and made her walk to school, the little brat

dayumnnn wowwww shoulda made da lil bitch walk to skool lmao

awww that sucks. I can see my lil sista doing that to me. crap!!

james_wow 0

I would of slaped the hell out of that bitch lmao

that was your kid. that $#!T hole brat!!!!