By Amara1717 - 19/08/2009 04:22 - United States
Same thing different taste
Kids these days, eh?
By child - 10/12/2015 02:24 - United States - Avon
Close shave
By eyeamcool - 17/04/2009 04:11 - United States
By whitefox123 - 20/09/2010 00:07 - United States
Suspicious activity
By omgn00blolz89 - 07/04/2009 00:42 - United States
By Anonymous - 14/08/2015 10:57 - Ukraine - Donetsk
By imnotastranger - 09/05/2014 03:01
By anoymus - 31/05/2009 02:37 - United States
By blackandblue - 02/11/2010 16:26 - United States
By 464424 - 05/05/2012 06:24 - United States - Dayton
By parkinglotslayer - 11/06/2009 02:28 - United States
Top comments
cant she get in a ton of trouble cuz its not real and fakinga ploice office, that suck i hope you get her back
If that was my sister, I'd be so pissed, then beat her up if I got the chance.
what a frickin bitch!
I hope to beat her later for that one
lol not really an FML...but thats funny, and that kid is awesome! sounds like something I would have done when i was little.
mmkay, not really funny if the OP got arrested, but totally hilarious if nothing happened. God, even MY sister's not THAT bitchy. But honestly, you need to teach that kid a lesson about truth and lies, and when it's SO NOT OKAY to tell a lie like that... Like in this situation. Or just lock the windows ;)
Teach that brat some manners. Just because you don't like someone or something is not grounds to have them arrested. Also, be sure you tell her about the importance of a good education and the necessity for school.
lol no worries , i bet the cop didn't take her seriously . what a brat though .
Wow, she needs some discipline. That's what happens when loose cannons are raised.