By Anonymous - 24/06/2013 16:41 - Belgium

Today, I was feeding some ducks. One of them choked to death on the old bread. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 722
You deserved it 15 304

Same thing different taste

Top comments


That's why people shouldn't feed wild animals. Bread is actually bad for all birds.

TcheQ 12

Yeah...feeding the ducks in banned in my country

tehdarkness 21

Bwhahah hahaha hhaha.. This isn't a ydi or fyl. It's just and LOL!

YDI for feeding ducks without first learning ducky CPR in case that happens. You'd better hope the dead duck's family aren't rich because they might have some good ducky lawyers who will sue you.

Bread is bad for ducks... For obvious reasons...

justmeCee 16

YDI Op. Ducks should not eat bread. They can eat grains, dry or cooked rice, oats, to name a few, but ducks don't really have the digestive system for bread. RIP duck.

jdrappi 12

And that's why you should read the signs and not feed ducks.