By Anonymous - 18/04/2011 03:12 - United States

Today, I was finally having sex with the man of my dreams, and then he fell asleep on top of me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 617
You deserved it 8 230

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think it's because she doesn't suck in bed.

hwilly 0

Damn, next time your on top ha


swansung 0

Maybe youre the woman of his dreams now.

ElGranOrgo 0

I'm sure that it was you having a dream of a man on top of you

If a man I was having intercourse with fell asleep I would seriously be Spicing things up in the bedroom!!

KaskStunter 4

He isn't the man of your dreams, he is a real person and not the fantasy in your head...

sourgirl101 28

You went from L.L. Cool J's Doin' it, doin' it and doing it well -to- I'm going to knock you out, said Mamma going to knock you out!

CasualZombie 6

you must suck. and not in a good way. like a bad way. you're terrible at sex. you should just quit. maybe take a class..? do they even have those? I know they have couples sex therapy but a class teaching you how to do it without putting your partner to sleep? nahh just quit. never have sex again. get a cat.

awwww yeah!!! I like ur taste in girls scene chicks ftw!!!

notquite69 0

You should move a little bit.

yourlifesucks24 0

what a load of shit, fair enough if he was on the bottom but seeing as he was on top he would had to have been doing all the work in which case he couldn't possibly have fallen asleep... unless of course your idea of hot sex with the man of your dreams is motionless.

theonlysweetpea 10

Why does that sound like a perfectly horrid nursery rhyme?