By Rae - 02/10/2009 21:31 - United States

Today, I was fired for not attending a mandatory meeting. I confronted my boss and told her I never heard anything about it, she told me that daily reminders had been sent out via email for weeks. She then discovered that she failed to enter my email address in the system. I was still fired. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 325
You deserved it 2 815

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Woah that REALLY sucks. Can she do that?

Sun_Kissed18 25

Yeah, I doubt she can actually do that. Sue


guyfromcanada 0

my boss hangs a little skeleton from his door when someone is going to be fired :) lol

This is totally unfair. I feel so bad for you, some ppl just cant admit they're wrong, so just move on and hope your next boss will be a decent one.

In Maryland, employees work "at the will" of their employers. This means, in the absence of an express contract, agreement or policy to the contrary, an employee may be hired or fired for almost any reason -- whether fair or not -- or for no reason at all. There are certain exceptions to this general rule which provide some protection to employees from illegal discrimination based on such categories as race, color, gender, national origin, religion, age, disability or marital status. There are many other states like this here in the US. While it is unfair OP, its perfectly legal. It sucks ass I know, sorry that you have to look for a job in this crappy economy.

bosshaug 0

I hire ****** to suck my penis!

yourkiddingright_fml 0

Wrongful termination suit. It was their fault. Sue .

wow i must say, the australian justice system AND medical system pawn the US justice and medical system. yall should just move to australia.

Unless you want to, you know, own a business and employ people.

If that is true, sue them, you will win. I'm guessing it is a fake FML. Or there is another reason and you aren't admitting it.

The poster is from Texas and in Texas you don't need a reason to fire someone. You can only sue for wrongful firing if you can prove it's about gender, race, marital status, or disability.

I would sue her ass that's illegal. know your rights.

your boss is a total bitch. you should sue her ass! thats what i would do