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By Unwanted - 02/08/2012 06:50 - United States - Fallbrook

Today, I was fired from my job. My boss turned to everyone and said, "Allow me to escort this trash out of the office." Everyone cheered. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 126
You deserved it 34 837

Same thing different taste

Top comments

No offense, but that sounds like you were terrible at your job. Nonetheless, that's incredibly rude.

Wtf had you done to everyone in the office that resulted you to have this end??????!


Wow that's so harsh. What the hell did you do to these people?

That's so rude, don't listen to them!

KiddNYC1O 20

It is highly possible that op is getting a taste of their own medicine...

sweetly1120 6

You must be really hated to have that happen to you. But I'm really sorry OP. Sue them for insult or something?

Sue them for insult? That's exactly what's wrong with America these days. News flash: you don't have a right to not be offended.

23, I could walk up to you and call you every mean name there is and you could do nothing about it. By law, I can speak my mind about you with no possible consequences.

QueenOfAwkwardd 14

33. Not all Americans think like that, just the stupid and greedy ones.

JS721 1

You really think THAT is America's big problem?

Actually 73, that's called verbal assault. Something can be done about it. But it takes quite the whiner to call the police or a lawyer over words.

Don't sue them over it OP, if that happened to you, it was probably return fire.

by law, no you cannot. That is called HARASSMENT and actually is illegal.

Well I'm sorry but things like that don't happen without good reason. You obviously deserve it.

I'd think about not using any of those people as references when you apply for another job. Just a thought.

What the hell did you do to deserve this ?

jonnynasty 0

**** this guy above me, he's stupid. ^^^^^^^^

sexygurllolz 1

are you fat? cuz they be nasty

sexygurllolz 1

one big room, full of fat b*tches

FaeTuathaDe 4

I'd be glad to be out of there. That's terribly rude, I wouldn't need to work for someone like that. You are not trash.

How do you know that he isn't trash? What if he is the creepiest guy ever and that he tried to sexually seduce the bosses daughter or something like that.

Thank you, No. 53. We only have the OP's version of events so we don't know why the boss and every colleague hated this person so much. It has been my long experience that when an employee is this reviled, it is for a very good reason.

brevolorio 5

Was he carrying a trash can with him that stank behind u