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By Unwanted - 02/08/2012 06:50 - United States - Fallbrook

Today, I was fired from my job. My boss turned to everyone and said, "Allow me to escort this trash out of the office." Everyone cheered. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 126
You deserved it 34 837

Same thing different taste

Top comments

No offense, but that sounds like you were terrible at your job. Nonetheless, that's incredibly rude.

Wtf had you done to everyone in the office that resulted you to have this end??????!


You may have some interpersonal issues, but your boss was rude to humiliate you like that. Try to see it as an oportunity to learn about what you can do to get along better with people. Sorry you had to go through that. :(

Wow that would suck , but you must of been really hard to work with for everyone in the building to hate you .

murphdarkly 13

That's grounds for a lawsuit, I'm pretty sure especially in Cali!

Someone already said that above you so I'll quote "you don't have the right to not have your feelings hurt" and if you can sue over this in Claifornia, it might be one of the reasons 3 Californian cities have already gone bankrupt.

raraisbang 12

People are so sue happy in America, it's ridiculous. As stated in the united states constitution, OPs boss does still have freedom of speech and expression - he was verbally expressing his apparent deep loathing of OP. Totally acceptable. Saying that you can sue for this is just as stupid as those fatties that sued McDonald's because "it made them fat." I mean really? Common sense should've told them that if they constantly engorged on fatty, greasy food, they would eventually get fat! Seriously, Americans - stop with the suing. You're making us non-retarded Americans feel ashamed.

Not sure where you from but if it's states you have a valid case for unemployment. Good luck.

Unless he was not doing his job or meeting targets or violated company policy. Just coz he was fired in a shitty way doesn't mean the firing wasn't jusified

How is this YDI??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????¿¿?¿¿?¿¿¿¿¿¿

oh wow look at all those question marks! You must have a huge penis /sarcasm

I cant help but feel that there's a important part of this story missing.

I'm guessing you did something pretty bad to get that treatment. Regardless, that was pretty cruel, FYL OP!

Sue them for harassment, defamation and whatever else you can. What your boss did was wrong regardless of why you got fired.

It is impossible to sue them! You are the third idiot who has said this. This isn't harassment, sure it isn't nice, but it is in NO way grounds for a lawsuit.

raraisbang 12

You'd be hard pressed to find a lawyer that would even take that case. Most of them would laugh you out of the office and still charge for the consultation ;)

JS721 1

If people were sued every time they did something wrong, all of us would be bankrupt.

Sue happy people need to get their arses kicked. Medical malpractice? One thing. Car accident that's not your fault? Another thing. Somebody called you names? Shut up and grow up.

Time to do an inventory assessment of you life and who you are.