By anonymous - 24/04/2013 04:55 - Germany

Today, I was fired on my second day of work after a year and a half of unemployment. Apparently, my "tendency to solve problems instead of just accepting them made the other workers uneasy". FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 657
You deserved it 3 636

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yay for people's insecurities! I had coworkers like that once, I ended up quitting.


Sorry, OP, that really sucks. I was recently "let go" after only one day at a job I loved, because I live too far away from the workplace. So I know how you feel. And I can't believe how many idiots are saying its better to be unemployed when it's nearly impossible to find jobs. I'm guessing those people either have steady work or live with their parents and don't need to worry about money.

TheDrifter 23

Many people prefer it. A lot of unemployment systems work best for the lazy, it's rather pathetic, but it pays significantly better to be lazy than to work a mediocre job if you're on unemployment after having a good paying job.

With the righ career it's not hard to find a job at all even in this economy it took me 1 week and I've had 2 more offers since

OKAY #94. We heard you already. Congrats on the 3 job offers but you are being really annoying going on and on about it.

Sue the shit outta the bastards, those are not legitmate terms to fire someone.

Sadly if where OP lives is similar to where I live an employer can fire an employee for almost any reason before 3 months - it's a "probationary period". Also sadly after 3 months you have to be very careful why & how you fire someone no matter how big of a moron they are.

@25 I agree. I am currently unemployed living at home. I've been job hunting and doing part time businesses for money. It's amazing what an employer will come up with in order to get rid of someone. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

A workers hire A workers, but B workers hire C workers.

rokolodo 10

It's good policy to just observe, when your the new employee. Situations like that are played out at many workplaces. People feel threaten, even supervisors. Good luck job hunting.

finch01 18

problem solver have a no ew problem...

The only valid response to this is "what."