By Anonymous - 01/01/2010 07:11 - United States

Today, I was forced to spend New Years Eve with my strict/conservative parents in the middle of nowhere in Illinois. If I had nothing else, I looked forward to watching the ball drop in NYC. As the seconds counted down the T.V. shut off. Parental controls shut down cable at midnight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 295
You deserved it 2 876

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nowhere is in Kansas. and you can watch the ball drop's not the same, but...Happy New Year anyway?

what's the parental control code? i bet it's 0000 mwahahaha...


boatkicker 4

I watched it at midnight in California once. They played it both when it actually happened and again at midnight..... probably on different stations. But I dont see why there wouldn't be at least one station in your area to broadcast ti at midnight.

Everyone I know this is off topic but I just got glow in the dark rocketship feetie payjamas YAAAAAY!!!!!!

Superhornet70 0

oh man I know how you feel my parents aren't that strict but I ended up getting the short end of the straw and I had to stay home and watch my brothers but we have parental controls too andy tv turned off too it suck I know

Dear Jbuckets, please stop trying to sound smart. You are simply making yourself look like a douchebag.

run away.. your parents sound like tools

HAHHH, don't worry, the exact same thing happened to me last year. I told my parents to make sure the controls were off this time around.

Well, the "ball dropping" was a videotaped replay anyway. If you're in Illinois, the ball in Times Square actually dropped at 11pm your time. They just replay the video in every time zone to make you think you're part of the celebration. Besides... couldn't you have watched in on the internet?

Ok does no one realize that Illinois is Central Time and NYC is Eastern Time? So therefore the ball drop in NYC is on at 11 pm?

I live in Illinois too, and they show it at 11:00.

kaitendevries 0

wow!! the same freaken thing happened to me,, my friends and I were standing there watching and it turned off!! it suckedddd!!