By Anonymous - 01/01/2010 07:11 - United States

Today, I was forced to spend New Years Eve with my strict/conservative parents in the middle of nowhere in Illinois. If I had nothing else, I looked forward to watching the ball drop in NYC. As the seconds counted down the T.V. shut off. Parental controls shut down cable at midnight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 299
You deserved it 2 879

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nowhere is in Kansas. and you can watch the ball drop's not the same, but...Happy New Year anyway?

what's the parental control code? i bet it's 0000 mwahahaha...


It replays yes if the area tv station so decides but it drops at 11pm in both the cities I have lived in in the midwest except in 2000 when they replayed it so OP is full of it.

I'm in Illinois. They played the NY ball drop at 11PM our time. OP has me baffled. But regardless, OP - you need to learn to stick up for yourself, and remember that your teenage years don't last forever. Try to set yourself up for success in school and work, and get out as soon as you can.

uhm i honestly think this is BS because in IL the time is diff then that in NY...i watched the ball drop on tv in WI right by IL...the time difference nothing but the ball dropped at 11oclock our time here and in Illinois...they didnt drop it at 12 NY they are an hour ahead...not gona lie it is funny if that actually happened but if you were in IL it would hav dropped at 11 not 12

fyl man, sucks u have strict parents! :(

betseyville 6

They replay the NYC ball drop for all time zones in the United States. I'm in the central time zone and I saw it at 11PM and 12AM.

dudeitsdanny 9

Ah, I didn't see this little thread before mentioning it above. I used to watch it all the time at 9 when I was younger(I live in California), so I assume they show the one in New York, and then the ones after that in Illinois, too. Even the freaking Disney Channel did. =D

this is wronngggg unless you live in front of chicago? it would've been 11 when it was 12 there dumbshit nice try ou lying ****!

SAME! Except my DVR switched to TBS because you can't record two programs and watch live TV at the same time. I thought it was hilarious though...

r u on the tv show worlds strictes parents

sublime93 0

I doubt her "strict/conservative" parents let OP have access to the Internet.

At least not very late if the television shuts off at midnight.