By thats_not_good - 28/05/2009 18:15 - United States
thats_not_good tells us more.
The tattoo is on my shoulder blade, and it's a Celtic knot that I drew up myself. The artist was filling in the shading in the knot after finishing the outline when he started filling in an area on the wrong side of the line. He ended up fixing it so the design came out symmetrical, and it looks really good. No regrets and no worries.
Top comments
sounds to me like karma....
thats what you get for not doing your research on the tattooist.....your own fault.
Teenagers have had a lot more experience with life than a large group of parents
I don't see why everyone is saying YDI. This seems like it was just a fluke. Nothing wrong with getting tats!
yeah i hate when there are fmls that leave the best information out, like the aftermath. or in this case... SO WHAT DID HE DO THAT MADE HIM SAY THAT?
When you SAY people do something "all the time and nothing goes wrong," it's going to go wrong when you do it. That's just a law of nature. Nothing goes wrong with tattoos? Look up CHITONW.
ooo sucks for you OP. i have a few tats and they all came out perfectly. =]
It was a bad idea.
Yeah, bad idea... sounds like if you try it again you should do a little research to figure out the best tattoo parlor in your area...