By rockstarohyeah - 02/07/2009 06:18 - United States

Today, I was given the best news of my life. I am cancer free and am not, at the ripe age of 23 going to bite the dust. My husband left his journal on the nightstand in our bedroom. He wrote, "I feel like a bad person, but if she dies, I don't have to get divorced." FML
I agree, your life sucks 83 027
You deserved it 4 860

Same thing different taste

Top comments

aww im sorry but congrats on the no cancer!!!!

well congratulations on the news!!! :) at least you have your whole life ahead of you to find a new man.


godyourethick 0

And what the **** were you doing, looking through his journal regardless of whether he put it?

FaithX 0

Drop him fast. And tell him it's because you're going to live.

he sounds like a loser anyway. youre cancer-free. go live :)

Maybe it was open or something and she just saw it

61, who cares that it was on the nightstand? She had no reason to read it. It's his private thoughts and feelings. Last year, I kept my journal in one of my drawers buried under a bunch of my clothes. One day, my boyfriend was putting laundry away and "found it" and read the entire thing. I'm still not sure how he found it since it was buried under clothes. Even if he was putting clothes away, you put them on top. Anyway, he read the entire thing for no reason and didn't say a word about it for over a year. Then he brought up a whole bunch of shit I wrote in it and our apartment basically became WW3. Married or not, she should have respected his privacy.

I went to edit my comment, but FML wouldn't let me even though I still had time. So... 61, who cares that it was on the nightstand? She had no reason to read it. It's his private thoughts and feelings. Yeah, it's shitty that he wants her to die, but we don't know when it was written. Maybe he wrote it after an argument? I've gotten into arguments where I wished horrible things on people. We also don't know the state of their marriage. I'm not sticking up for him at all 'cause you should never wish death upon someone, I'm just stating my opinion. Last year, I kept my journal in one of my drawers buried under a bunch of my clothes. One day, my boyfriend was putting laundry away and "found it" and read the entire thing. I'm still not sure how he found it since it was buried under clothes. Even if he was putting clothes away, you put them on top. Anyway, he read the entire thing for no reason and didn't say a word about it for over a year. Then he brought up a whole bunch of shit I wrote in it and our apartment basically became WW3. Married or not, she should have respected his privacy. 136, did you sit down and look through the book? Or did you open it, realize what it was, then close it? The OP opened it, saw what it was, and read it.

Drop him. Time to start a new life without him! Glad you're cancer-free!! Enjoy life!

I wholeheartedly agree with your posts, when i get stressed i like to vent about it to friends and family, but i can tell they get annoyed by it and probably think i am a miserable shrew when i am not, so i write in a dairy. It's a good place to vent about lifes little troubles, i think i might implode if i didnt have a way to express my annoyance with people/shitty events. (in response to #78... i think)

me43 0

y the hell would u read his journal?

dump his ass. The point isnt that she violated his privacy. Its that he doesn't love her or even care about her feelings at all. Find a partner that will treat you better. Also, I'm glad for your good news. Good luck