By Noname - 10/03/2009 09:56 - United States

Today, I was giving a friend a neck rub, when she started to breathe heavily. So I figured she was getting into it, so I started kissing her neck, she then turns around and says "Tell my room mate I'm having an asthma attack." FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 059
You deserved it 61 313

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So you kiss people's necks when they breathe heavily? Creepy.


Dude. Not only are you an idiot. You got burnt severely for it. Don't go kissin' friends necks, that's just disgusting. Friend with benefits is one thing. Chick that you're friends with? I'd have stabbed you with an epi-pen. Get your head out of the gutter yo. Shouldn't have been gettin' all frisky in the first place.

Um the OP was also a girl. Neck rubs are sexually arousing though.

haha # 11... Also if she was just a friend yea you are kinda creepy. If she wanted you, she would have given you something more to go on than breathing heavily...

greatnt249 0

Dude, if you can't tell the difference between aroused breathing and wheezing, you need to get out more. That, and quit watching so much ****; that's about the only place the stunt you pulled would have worked.

HAHAHA. This is awful, but made me laugh...I feel bad for the guy still...

KimberlyAngelaaa 0

hahahahahahahahhaaaaaa awwwwwww i feel bad for you. thats prettyy akwardd if you ask me

that sucks. apparently she's more than a friend to you.

alex_vik 0

Wait, you started sexually kissing your friend? You're sick.