By Noname - 10/03/2009 09:56 - United States

Today, I was giving a friend a neck rub, when she started to breathe heavily. So I figured she was getting into it, so I started kissing her neck, she then turns around and says "Tell my room mate I'm having an asthma attack." FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 059
You deserved it 61 313

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So you kiss people's necks when they breathe heavily? Creepy.


You can't assume someone's "getting into it" just 'cause they're breathing heavily... O_O

Agreed with #42 and everything like that. However, I dont find it sick to kiss a girl you're friends with? I don't see the problem, really... and I'm a girl who only has guyfriends. :p

Nate1993 0

I don't see how this is a FML its just a random attack.. That you may of caused xD

well, apart from the asthma attack, thats hot lol

Anyone else notice that it says the OP is a woman?

sugar_407 0

yeah, I didn't notice it the first time. ydi then for being queer

Chocolate_Chunk 2

Anyone else not giving a shit because it doesn't really matter? **** religious idiots like sugar_407

Not all religious people are against it... I hate when people include the people who are extreme, I'm Catholic and I honestly don't care

breenarae25 0

ur a girl, who kissed another girls neck while running it?? r u les or bi?

effgy 0

who kisses their friends neck?

lemonypower 6

WTF 49 your intolerant asswipe

why are you kidding your friends neck, creep