By Sammylad - 07/09/2011 22:14 - United Kingdom

Today, I was giving a talk in class, when halfway through someone pointed out that my pubes were sticking out my trousers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 915
You deserved it 15 370

Same thing different taste

Top comments


CoffeeShopKiller 0

How does that even happen???!!

Jeez u wanna at least pull ur pants up???

You are disgusting. Pubic hair is disgusting, and unexceptable. You have to get rid of all of it, any cruelty-free way. I would rather swallow glass chunks, then blow someone who didn't even know what hygene was, and how easy it is to achieve.

Josiieeee 3
monnanon 13

calm down hun. Hai has nothing to do with hygiene and it is there for a reason. You have a lot of growing up to do before ever blowing anyone if the idea of pubic hair is that abhorent to you.

143 - Shaving is not a hygienic matter. It's a preference. It's actually safer to HAVE hair there so germs don't have such a clear path to your bits! Did you know that? Anyway. If the hair is cleaned daily, it's clean (obviously) and therefore isn't "gross" or "unhygienic". It's also unacceptable to say that having hair there is unacceptable... it's only unacceptable to YOU! A lot of people like hair there. The world does NOT revolve around you - just because you think something doesn't mean everyone else agrees.

1) Unacceptable. Not "unexceptable." 2) Than, not "then." 3) Hygiene. 4) Calm down. Pubic hair happens to exist for a reason, and there's nothing inherently unhygienic about having it.

lebronsucks 3

Hahaha I see London I see France I see someone's pubescent out of his pants. Look at where he is from.!!

teenage_messup 0
JennyBear101 0

Seriously put sum underwear on and also another thing TRIM

unitzero 0

wear underwear or a belt. And only guys with tiny dicks shave because they think it makes them look bigger when it actually makes them look like they have a baby dick.

monnanon 13

since when? In scotland they are trousers and pants are underwear.I dont know anywhere in UK that calls them pants.