By coolkid111 - 27/03/2011 00:26 - United States

Today, I was going to my prom. My mom knows I want to drink so to prevent me, she made sure I took my prescription medicine before I left. I guess her way of stopping me from drinking is killing myself If I do. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 413
You deserved it 39 992

Same thing different taste


ideasrule 13

krez, if you would care to back up your claim with data, I'd be more than happy to listen. zombie: the point still stands that if all the evidence points to me being a responsible drinker, my mom has no reason to prevent me from drinking just because I'm 17 instead of 19. (I am not, incidentally, either 17 or 19.) The law and morality/reason do not always overlap.

bugmenotmofo 34

Oh noes! FML my mom stopped me from underaged drinking! My life is like, sooooooooo totally terrible. Shut the **** up you dumb *****. You'd probably get drunk and pregnant, because you're ******* retarded

All that stuff about drinking aside... If it's prescription medicine, shouldn't you be taking it anyway?

Egnar 19

Honestly all I see is your mom giving you an easy way out of succumbing to the peer pressures of teen binge drinking at proms without being labeled "gay" or a "loser". "Sorry guys, I'd love to but I'm on X medication and I've heard some nasty horror stories about it being mixed with alcohol."


your moms cool we need more people like her is this f*cked up world

Darth_Taco 14

You have a wonderful mother. Leave drinking to the grown ups.

drinking is for retards with no future, or chicks who want to pass out at parties and get raped... your mom is saving your life

So you're going to Prom and not old enough to drink right? So your Mum is stopping you becoming an alcoholic! Bet your Prom date was happy to hear this story - you needed to be hammered to go with her lol

but in that case if your mom decides to give in and buys you alcohol and you get caught, your mom goes to jail or at least has to pay a hefty fine. either way i don't care how responsible you FEEL you are, in the US the legal drinking age is 21 and until that day when either you are that age or the law changes, what you are doing is breaking the law. Willfully choosing to break laws because you seem to think you are above them is EXTREMELY immature, and therefore, you are not mature enough to drink. believe it or not, most often your parents DO know what's best for you and typically act out of love.

**** you're hella sad I mean are you that desperate for a ******* drink and how old are you anyway what biologically 17 years of age but has the mental capacity if a 12 year old?! You'll have your chance once you're older you dumb shit kid. Quit your bitching and really get a life there are worst things to worry about in life than this.