By vagina dentata for christmas, pls - 25/01/2013 18:51 - United States

Today, I was hanging out with my new boyfriend, and he took me back to his house for the first time. Taped to his bedroom door was a sheet of paper emblazoned with the words: "THE RAPE DUNGEON". I feel safer already. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 777
You deserved it 5 050

Same thing different taste

Top comments

renaee 13

*Shudders* In this case I wouldn't want to know what went on behind closed doors...

LOL at op's name ! But that's seriously creepy...


Did he leave a pair of scissors out?

Toucanjake 10

It puts the lotion in the basket...

kel_paige 2

It's not rape, it's a struggle snuggle.

That's when you pull out a giant ***** and say "I'm glad you're ready for this."

AriSwagg 9

Maybe he's just an aspiring rapper who does not know how to spell. Maybe you can help.

Wait, wasn't this in 50 Shades of Grey?