By Very_Bad_Luck - 10/08/2009 04:41 - United States
Very_Bad_Luck tells us more.
Hi. I'm deciding to comment on my own FML to truly thank the people who wish me luck and keep me in their prayers. If you wish to learn more check out my profile. Thanks!!
Top comments
Why the hell would anyone blame the girl for this? I'm with #26. If they were married thats one thing, but would you want to date someone going through cancer treatments? Unless she really, really loves him, I can't see why she's got any kind of obligation to give up large parts of her life for a guy she's barely known for a year. It's not like it's "the one" by any means. Sucks for the OP, absolutely, but lay off the girl alright? She didn't do nothing wrong.
I've only been dating my boyfriend for 5 months (although we've dated in the past before) and I would totally stick with him all the way if he was diagnosed with cancer. I love him, and I would support him through the whole thing, not dump him because it was too hard and make his day even worse. So...that's how I would react if I were put in the gf's shoes.
If you love him then fine, stick with him, your choice, but you can't just assume every couple will last forever and that both feels the same about each other. It's not unusual to be together despite not really loving each other, for some company, sex and a sense of belonging to someone, it doesn't mean you're ready to endure months of difficult treatments.
Well then, TysonFawlay, if they were in a loveless relationship at that point, then she should have broken up with him for that, not using his illness as an excuse. I'm not saying she didn't love him, but if you've been with someone for a year and break up with them because they are going through a hard time, I think it's just slightly selfish. Something like this scenario is when people need support the most.
That is so ******* sad : That she broke up with him right after telling him..She didn't even try. What a stupid bitch :'( Better off without her, you can do it! :)
That is so ******* sad : That she broke up with him right after telling him..She didn't even try. What a stupid bitch :'( Better off without her, you can do it! :)
Ah well - you clearly deserve someone better anyway.
Welcome to my life. I have bone cancer and women "can't stand the pain I'm in" and leave me as well. I find that until you're a good deal better, staying single is best.
ahhh dude that sucks! :/ I feel for ya man and don't worry you'll find a girl that won't bullshit you and she will be the One.
Looking at this from a third perty, unbiased perspective, I totally condone the girl's actions. First, it is unfortunate that you developed lymphoma at such a young age. I'm assuming you're young because you seem to consider 11 months to be a long relationship. It isn't. I realize that lymphoma and its treatments can be a difficult and arduous process to go through. That being said, it can be just as painful for the people who go through it with you and even moreso if they should outlive you. I'm not diminishing your struggle, just stating fact. Your girlfriend probably considered the commitment she made to you and decided a terminal disease was not something she wanted to deal with at such a young age. Sure, friends will support you but the relationship between friends is different from the boyfriend-girlfriend dynamic. Friendships are more lasting and committed. Romantic relationships are the time when two people decide whether they're willing to commit to one another. Clearly, she was not in a position to commit to you. No big deal. Get on with your cancer, turn to your family, and stop being so whiny.
"Get on with your cancer?" Wow, **** off.
Hope you get a potentially deadly illness and everyone runs out on you.
11 months is long enough where you shouldn't ******* leave someone who needs you . He probably wasn't going to die so it wasn't going to be too bad on his girlfriend
Heartless much? "Stop being so whiny?" Really?
Looking at this from a third party, unbiased perspective, I totally condone the girl's actions. First, it is unfortunate that you developed lymphoma at such a young age. I'm assuming you're young because you seem to consider 11 months to be a long relationship. It isn't. I realize that lymphoma and its treatments can be a difficult and arduous process to go through. That being said, it can be just as painful for the people who go through it with you and even moreso if they should outlive you. I'm not diminishing your struggle, just stating fact. Your girlfriend probably considered the commitment she made to you and decided a terminal disease was not something she wanted to deal with at such a young age. Sure, friends will support you but the relationship between friends is different from the boyfriend-girlfriend dynamic. Friendships are more lasting and committed. Romantic relationships are the time when two people decide whether they're willing to commit to one another. Clearly, she was not in a position to commit to you. No big deal. Get on with your cancer, turn to your family, and stop being so whiny.
I was with you until you said "stop being so whiny" Theres nothing whiny about this. this is a valid fml
k I've known so many cancer patiants, including my mother. that bitch should go back to her rock where she lives and rot. kick her ASS >:O
Why would you have that conversation over text messaging?? Seems like that warrants a phone call at the very least.
You told her you need her support? She might have been a fair-weather friend and a break-up by text message mean she's weak and worthy of scorn, but... I'm sorry that you have lymphoma, that's terrible, but the way you state this it makes you look needy, like you're a consumer of other people's attention and sympathy. And if she didn't fawn over your treatment issues, you'd make her feel uncaring. I'm just saying. And if you actually told her this over text message, well a text-breakup makes sense.
Ok, he has CANCER. He's not being needy, he's saying he wants support, and his girlfriend wasn't even willing to give him that. If you had a deadly illness, would you expect your loved ones to support you? Seriously, what you're saying here is way too harsh.
Wow, what a bitch. You should be happy she's gone.
Well, dude, I gotta be honest: If she wasn't willing/able to support you through this, she's not the one for you anyway. To be fair, it couldn't be easy for her, either (no, it's not 'all about her', but neither is it an easy thing to see someone through) and if you can't cope, you just can't cope. It sucks but it's how it goes. Really, though, the reality is that if you *really* love someone, there's pretty much nothing you won't support them through, and she just wasn't in it. FYL, mate. Best of luck, hope everything turns out well and that you have other people (who really love you) to support you through this shitty time.