This is a Nearly FML. It’s an FML, nearly. It got positive votes from the users, by wasn’t approved by our team.

By Chichensoup - 21/05/2010 02:33 - United States

Today, I was having an affair with a girl from my work. She scratched my back while we were doing it and I didn't want my wife to find out so I threw myself down the stairs at work and ended up having to go to the hospital. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 699
You deserved it 275 706

Top comments

take_it_ez 0

YDI for cheating. and being that dumb. you could have just made an excuse, you don't have to throw yourself down the stairs! or even better, DIVORCE HER! if you don't want to be with your wife anymore, which obviously you don't, dont be a pussy! just get a divorce!


youthink_fml 0
zzzaaaccchhh 0

haha I think it's funny when ppl cheat and they don't know how to cover up little stuff! theirs a million things you could use to give and excuse for that

secretlyshy 0

Wow. You actually posted this? You deserve what you got. If you can't handle being loyal, maybe you should have thought about that before you got married. Idiot. I'm wondering if your wife actually believed your bullshit story.

Alchemist919 0

why would you post this? if you were looking for sympathy for what happened then you came to the wrong place why would you have an affair in the first place? you deserved what you got, karma is a bitch, and it will get you for all your shitty actions

ydi for deciding that stairs were the way to go what's next the elevater shaft

cheating piece of shit. you deserved worse than that.

Helldemon 32

Hope she still finds out anyways you piece of shit.

delaney16 0

ydi for cheating you bastard

wheresmycrown 0

We all feel really bad about this op. This couldn't possibly be your fault. I mean it's not like you cheated on your wife and threw yourself down a flight of stairs to cover. Oh wait thats exactly what you did. Idiot.. How can you throw yourself down a flight of stairs and not expect it to hurt?

silentmusic 0

i dont know whether to berate the op for cheating on his wife, or give him props for trying hard enough to cover it up and ending up in the hospital.