By haha247 - 14/08/2009 14:09 - United States

Today, I was helping my brother clean his room. While putting clothes away, I found a box of thongs. They were mine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 324
You deserved it 3 933

Same thing different taste

Top comments

nitro27x 2

whoa! creepy! least you didn't catch him trying them on


Chadly 0

it not that bad alot of straight men/boys like to wear thongs for funn or sexual needs. for some its just the thrill of wearing them and knowing if you get caught your skrewed but they do it anyway. i say you help him out like let him have some and keep it secert between you two only and maybe let him borrow some or your other clothes like shorts and tops and stuff.. idk?

l33tm0nk3y 0

The ordinary person in me shudders at this post...but the 4channer in me says "WINCEST!" That site is really not good for one's mental health...

Cinnabar 0

If you want to know whether he was using them as fake trophies to impress his friends or... something else... then get a blacklight. Although you might learn more than you wanted to know...

He should have asked if he could borrow your underwear.

kubagami 0

Maybe he was just trying to keep his sister from being a *****.

Sounds like he's into you......or wants to be.