By dfan13 - 01/07/2009 16:31 - United States
dfan13 tells us more.
Hey, original poster here.. He wasnt trying to see me naked. We have a shower curtain where u can see out if ur in the shower but cant see in if your out. And i did almost die because i cracked my head open.
Top comments
Why was this disliked so many times? I find it funny because it's just a joke. Or is it?
thats really funny. but obviously someone would not do well under pressure/survive a scary movie!
Well damn, you should do the same to him, only dress up as some murderer from the movies. Or, you know, a ski mask works. Or you could make him feel bad and mooch off of his guilt.
People need to start being more careful when they pull pranks.
How did you pass out? Did he hit you with something?
He was scared into passing out... because he's a little girl inside.
have too agree
i'm sorry, but just because you fainted doesn't mean you almost died.way too overexaggerated. still sucks though =/ go to the doctor's to have it checked out, and when you get back tell your dad that you have to have bedrest for the next two weeks because of a fractured skull or something..make him do your work.
You know people can die from hitting their head on the tub, or anything hard really. You could crack your head open, or maybe his brain started bleeding.
if he were in the shower when he passed out, not only could he have internal bleeding, as 56 said, he could easily drown. It doesn't take much water for that at all, and when one lacks consciousness it's very likely that this happens.
You should prank your dad back.
You need to start plotting your revenge, may I suggest buying one of those fake lottery tickets, then filming his reaction when he thinks he won.