By dammitall - 15/05/2009 18:49 - United States

Today, I was in a bathroom stall peeing. Shortly after, I heard a couple enter the bathroom, both extremely drunk. They then had sex standing up against the stall I was in, blocking my only exit. I had to sit, wait, and listen as both parties finished. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 419
You deserved it 4 879

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why dididnt you just pound on the door and tell em to knock it the **** off? Unless you wanted to listen and in the meantime got yourself off?


At #65 - That would've been a YDI for going with it even though there were feet there. Fail.

pinkducttape 0

im assuming since you said you had to sit there until they finished that they were so drunk they ignored you yelling at them and that the weight of both of them was too much for you get push the door open. which sucks. also if theres drunk people making out against the bathroom stall doors - i doubt you wanted to crawl around on the bathroom floor to escape. also i like all the people - bathroom doors open inwards - pull the door open and let them fall into the stall - like theres that much room in public restrooms for someone to get out of the way of two people falling in. that and if the op wanted to see naked people - they would be at a stripclub.

in response to number 3, you dont gotta act like a bitch i thought the idea was pretty funny. on the other hand i would've started faking noises that ressemble chronic diareah, thats a mood killer

i woulda just opened the door right into them, and then laughed when the dumbasses fell on their bare asses


That's when you kick stall door open and tell them to get their nasty asses out of your damn way! I mean come on, dude! Grow a pair! You don't just let people hold you in a confined space so they can do the squirm!

3timesthefun 0

agree with 65 and 66 (: id open the door so fast and watched them fall and laugh at hr immature behavior!

#64 - The OP never said she did anything about it, just that she sat there and listened because she 'had' to. And who says the people were naked? It's quite possible to have sex and still be pretty much fully clothed.

Perhaps you could have crawled under the other stalls...

I agree with a lot of the other comments here. Your post shouldn't read, "I had to," but, rather, should read, "I chose to." I don't understand why so many people think being polite somehow excludes confrontation. You can do both (with self-control). ...It's either that or something worse: learned helplessness. Seriously - take some responsibility for your not, at the very least, immediately just yelling that someone was in the stall!

yeah, no, you know what you do is, if it's a door that opens out, you kick it open and when they fall over be like oh, guess you shouldn't have sex in a public place where anyone could see you because that's shitty. and if it was a door that opened in you should have opened it and when they fell over been like oh, guess you shouldn't have sex in a public place where anyone could see you because that's shitty. i would not have sat through that. preventing drunken sex in public bathrooms is really to everyone's benefit.