By Megannn - 01/05/2012 23:43 - United States

Today, I was in a gas station bathroom attempting to buy a condom from the machine on the wall. A woman who smelled of cat piss walked in, and I got embarrassed so I fled into a stall. She then started a conversation with me about "the good old days" from the next stall over. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 922
You deserved it 3 699

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Poor crazy old cat lady aint getting no lovin

kiran_fml 5

Gas station condoms and ladies that smell like cat piss...sounds like you had an interesting day.


detroitsucks247 3
shantazat 0

Well, where else could this happen?

shantazat 0

It didn't really confuse me, it was just fascinating in a weird way that made my brain fart...

jasmine1259 2

really happy for you n your new relation ship

Thanks 13. If anyone read the FML and was confused, you helped about 0%

Condoms are 5$ and diapers are 20, think about it

huh ur crazy I wuld never put consumer on my 1 year old

shantazat 0

I'm bored... Does anyone here watch the Creatures on YouTube?

Poor crazy old cat lady aint getting no lovin

She gets plenty from her cats considering they piss on her

So there's a story behind the cat piss smell?

RaquelW 7

You just need to not care about people seeing you, most people don't care.

kiran_fml 5

Gas station condoms and ladies that smell like cat piss...sounds like you had an interesting day.

Yep the good old days. Before she bought a wall condom, had sex, got pregnant cause the obvious shittyness of the condom, had a kid and is now a full time car lady.

It could have been worse, she could have said: "Back in the good ol' days used to be just like you..."

DontClickOnMe 28

No need to be embarrassed. At least you're having safe sex.