By Megannn - 01/05/2012 23:43 - United States

Today, I was in a gas station bathroom attempting to buy a condom from the machine on the wall. A woman who smelled of cat piss walked in, and I got embarrassed so I fled into a stall. She then started a conversation with me about "the good old days" from the next stall over. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 922
You deserved it 3 699

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Poor crazy old cat lady aint getting no lovin

kiran_fml 5

Gas station condoms and ladies that smell like cat piss...sounds like you had an interesting day.

Comments's not really your fault but I can't help but feeling if you'd just been less of a wuss then there wouldn't have been an issue. And what's embarrassing about buying condoms? If you're confident you're old enough to be having sex and you know what you're doing then you shouldn't be ashamed or anything.

GothInside 6

If u still get embarrassed buying condoms, ESPECIALLY in a gas station bathroom complete with homeless people, maybe u don't need to be having sex at all!!

princesskb 1

If you're too embarrassed to buy condoms in public you probably aren't mature enough to be having sex.

jerseyboy732 16

next time have the guy supply the condom

I don't think there is any connection between being embarrassed about buying condoms and being mature enough to have sex. People who think so are simple. Sex is a private act between two people (three if you're lucky), just because you're embarrassed to have complete strangers know about your sex life doesn't mean you're not mature enough for sex. Some people enjoy their privacy, and if you can't understand that you're not mature enough to be on the internet.

twisted_cherub 14

I've worked in a store where we sold condoms and I've got news: we don't care. People bought condoms all the time and I never thought anything about it. Why should you be any more embarrassed about buying condoms than other personal items (i.e. tampons, athletes foot cream, rash ointment, athletic cup/jock strap, Justin Bieber CDs, male enhancement products, pregnancy tests, etc.)? Nearly everyone has sex. Being responsible about it shouldn't be embarrassing. It's not like the clerk knows the dirty details of your sex life just because you purchase a product related to it.

How do you know she isn't embarrassed purchasing those products as well? It doesn't matter whether or not you care, embarrassment doesn't always have to be logical. It's like anxiety, some people get anxious just going to the mall. They know nothing is going to happen, but they still feel a lot of anxiety, and no amount of knowing that nothing bad will happen is going to change that.

marisadc79 0

Hey don't be embarrassed or hide for buying a condom you're being responsible and taking the initiative. No shame in that. Sucks the cat piss lady had to walk in on you though what a mood killer. Hope you got your condom.

sandinthewaves 5

Embarrassed, is the 1920's. Should we be ashamed of our sexuality.

i like the fact op mentioned that the woman smelt of cat pee even though it didnt have anything to do with the actual fml :)

wall condoms are shitty and cheap if your gonna buy a condom get a good one for your protection not some condom from 3 years ago who knows how long that crappy condom has been in that dispenser condoms do have expiration dates u smarter next time

LoganBurrito 6

Let the guys buy the condoms from now on. You save time, money, said embarrassment, and if he forgets to, you don't have to put out.