By Anonymous - 05/10/2010 18:33 - United States

Today, I was kicked out of class for having a coughing fit. Yesterday, I was kicked out of class for sleeping, a side effect of my cough suppressant. Three absents from this class and I automatically fail. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 146
You deserved it 3 828

Pensu tells us more.

Pensu 12

No, I wasn't forcing the cough; I've got bronchitis, I just get coughing fits that last for a while and can't control them.

Top comments

perdix 29

Tomorrow, you'll get kicked out for drug possession. Three strikes and yooooooooouuuuu'rreee OUT!


Just let your teacher know about it. If you can show him/her proof, the two of you should decide on what to do when you have a coughing fit again (the office may be involved, too).

Illyssa_fml 4

What?!!! Wouldn't you just get automatically dropped?? That's stupid!

thats why they make DAYQUIL, stupid! YFDI!

Surely being kicked out of a class that you did actually attend isn't the same thing as an absence??

holy **** that sucks i hate teachers lik dat

Talk to admin. They're legally obligated to accommodate any "disabilities". It's a long shot, but it might be worth it.

mikeds07 0

hey idiot your not absent, you were kicked out

How about explaining your situation to the professor instead of complaining about it online. We can't do anything to help you; he can. If he doesn't, take it up with his boss.