By Anonymous - 05/10/2010 18:33 - United States

Today, I was kicked out of class for having a coughing fit. Yesterday, I was kicked out of class for sleeping, a side effect of my cough suppressant. Three absents from this class and I automatically fail. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 146
You deserved it 3 828

Pensu tells us more.

Pensu 12

No, I wasn't forcing the cough; I've got bronchitis, I just get coughing fits that last for a while and can't control them.

Top comments

perdix 29

Tomorrow, you'll get kicked out for drug possession. Three strikes and yooooooooouuuuu'rreee OUT!


MissRachieee 3

Explain the situation to your teacher.

Teacher Reply: "Oh okay. Wait I don't care!" I've seen alot of FML's pertaining to ignorant teachers. haha.

sallen0046 4

So you're too lazy to find a cough suppressant that doesn't make you drowsy? Ever heard of cough drops?

Were you also absent the day they taught everyone the plural of "absence"? I'll give you a hint, it's not "absents".

wwerulez14 6

Lol grammar fail! If this is your english class that you're about to lose credit for, maybe you should just save yourself the regular failure and skip the next day. The teacher will read one of your mistakes similar to this one, and after a quick facepalm, they'll give you a fail and kick you out.

I'm guessing Op fell asleep on that day probably with something pertaining to a cough. or flem. or hemmroids.

I think you missed the point. I'm guessing at the OP's school an "absent" is when you miss a class. Therefore, if you have three "Absents", you've missed class three times. (ie. the OP is not using the word 'absent' in regards to its normal definition, but it is actually the name of a specific mark against his/her name). eg: Billy Jones 1/04/2010 - Absent 5/07/2010 - Absent 23/09/2010 - Absent = three "Absent"s.

oh, what a horrible teacher. fyl indeed.

20waffleater10 0

so YDI for being tired, for needing sleep! for coughing, for not being able to control your coughs, I can so you should be able too, for going to school(you should know everything so why do you need an education)

20waffleater10 0

so what if I did what trollz does, sue me.

it's okay... trollz does it while looking like a giraffe... beat that suckah!!

it's okay... trollz does it while looking like a giraffe... beat that suckah!!

Tankman07 2

ydi. it's your own fault you didn't let your teacher know.