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By givingup - 30/01/2012 05:37 - United States

Today, I was left at the altar. For the second time. By the same man. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 871
You deserved it 63 170

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FreeDrinks 4

YDI for trusting him a second time TBH. If he ran once, get rid of him for good.

jackii1313 9

Wouldn't you have learned the first time? Make sure theres no third time for him! I say fyl for being left at the alter and ydi for giving him another chance.


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indielove 13

"Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me." Don't take him back a third time.

arww I feel so bad for you, but he must have his reasons. good or bad. still a second time? harsh.

A real man would have the balls to end things before you guys got to the alter. Good to see you are giving up on him, but hopefully not on love - I hope you move on and find a more deserving man.

I wouldn't go for the third time. What jerk does that? Seriously!

- 31, I think the prick who left her there is the fool.

I don't think you should go for a third time. You made the same mistake twice, hopefully you learned a lesson out of it.

thinkPlNK 0

fool me once, shame on you. fool me twice, shame on me.

thinkPlNK 0

whoops, i just realized 18 posted that comment first. sorry about that! but hey, it's a great quote for this FML.

To all you people saying OP's would be husband is a prick, you don't know his reasons. He could have commitment issues, be a straight up douche, or maybe be doesn't want to for another reason. Maybe OP is constantly acting like a forceful bitch and he doesn't like the idea of being tied down to her. You only have one side of the story.

Unless "altar" is code for a court house, there is plenty of time to call off a wedding. It doesn't matter what his reasons are.

Id go the third time And LEAVE HIM at the altar :)

renesmeebb 0

Ok you could be right. But if he's got commitment issues why would he propose in that first place?

enonymous 8

Was this at the Mayan sacrificial alter? If so you might be lucky. Gods don't like non virgins being sacrificed.

107 You don't know that he proposed. Nowadays women propose all the time. You may not agree with me but you can't deny it's a possibility.

tripleshame 3

I do believe, by Einstein's definition, you are insane.

Fool me once, once on shame. Fool me twice, twice in once...

KeyBoardWarrior, maybe he's using her for stuff, y'know? If he's gonna propose twice and leave twice.. I'm sure it's that reason. I bet he took the ring both times.

173 - Dana Carvey's impression of GWB. That's what.

actually by adding variables like time and the possible adding of maturity its not crazy to assume different results. however the would be groom is a tool

kaylamahoney90 12
felah17 6

Actually it's: " Fool me once,shame on you,fool me twice...No,you can't fool me again". George W. Bush.

tjv3 10

Why didn't you learn the first time? I'm sorry but come on

Or maybe you were the man that left her at the altar...

On the bright side,he may create Flubber...

@135 even if she did propose why would he accept if he has "commitment issues"??

FreeDrinks 4

YDI for trusting him a second time TBH. If he ran once, get rid of him for good.

crazyjemjem 6

Cheaters never change. It's always said for a reason...

charlie2_fml 2

The FMLsaid nothing about him cheating on her...

:/ it's so easy to want to trust someone if you love them. Sorry OP

op's fiance might have given his reasons before and promised he'd change. and if he got involved with the planning and seemed excited there wouldn't have been a reason for op to doubt his commitment. you have 300 characters, not an essay.

Fool me once- Shame on you. Fool me twice- Shame on me.

crazyjemjem 6

No, but most reasons for another person to leave someone at an alter is they met someone or felt guilty about cheating. Hey, it could also be she is crazy.

I am so sorry that you got left at the alter, but you somewhat deserve it because you have been left at the alter by the same man before. He obviously has commitment issues. I am somewhat torn because you deserve it in a way, but your life also sucks. I am a bit torn so I vote for both.

jackii1313 9

Wouldn't you have learned the first time? Make sure theres no third time for him! I say fyl for being left at the alter and ydi for giving him another chance.

indielove 13

This just proves that some people just don't deserve a second chance.

Yea, what a jerk. I hope he has a good reason.

Good reason or no if he didn't want to get married he should have said something before the wedding or never proposed in the first place.

What if he did have a good reason 27? Then you'd feel like the jerk wouldn't you?

farnsworth 3

Aye... Sorry babe u can't hold down the farns-e No..?

169 - Please forfeit your username to somebody who is funny. So much wasted potential...

203- please forfeit your account to someone who isn't a jerk off

That is horribly harsh. Hey maybe it will be third time lucky?

Third time lucky & third times the charm are both correct, just depends on where you're from.

What now about lucky charms? There's three of them?

I hope the outcome on the third try altars from the first two

You would think you would have learned your lesson the first time. I guess you are a glutton for punishment. I'm sorry though.

Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.

"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice... Well, if you fool me once... You won't get fooled again." -George W. Bush

I was wondering if someone was going to say that. Best quote of bush's presidency

Aww poor thing. He must be a douche bag or just crazy!

olpally 32

Or both... Fyl op but ydi for even giving him a second chance.. A guy like that will never change..

He is a magician - how? - what did he do so you would let this happen again ?

GoW_Chick 14

She was in love and it makes us do crazy things, it can make the most rational of minds turn to mush, it makes everything complicated and can end in heartbreak, but love is worth the struggle.

TheDrifter 23

Chemical imbalance in op's brain. I wonder if she informed him of the second wedding or suffered a mental break and just started planning another wedding after he dittched her the first time?

Redoxx_fml 22

If she imagined the whole thing then she needs help

FYL, because everyone deserves a second chance... He just blew it!

I agree with 8. I feel for you OP, that sucks. Can't even divorce him & take his money.. Just kidding. His loss, what a dick!

Not those who like Cheese Pizza. No second chance for them.

TheSofaKing 7

Are you going to try again? This man is now a cult hero, left the same woman at the alter twice.

That's all it takes to get a cult following these days?

josiefay 0

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. But that does suck. :( fyl