By brit - 11/02/2010 05:13 - United States

Today, I was listening to my favorite radio station outta Detroit. A commercial came on for a program that was giving federal grants to people who were going into a trade, like me. Right as I was getting excited I heard the words "brought to you by the government of Canada." FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 835
You deserved it 5 623

Same thing different taste


Also, if you had half a brain you'd know that alot of Canadian cities are so close to the US border that you'd surely be hit too. For example Detroit to Windsor, Toronto to Buffalo, Quebec (province) to Connecticut, Vancouver to Seattle. The only places that wouldn't feel it are your redneck states.

tjarvis4338 0

How is this an FML? that's just life. I'm not going go feel sorry for you because you don't live in Canada where you could get a grant., but instead live in America. get over it.

Apparently though, your nations actions are alway justified. Like dropping two nuclear bombs on a small nation like Japan and not only killing 200,000 plus innocent people on impact but killing others by the lingering effect. The fact that some Americans are proud of that disturbs me greatly.

Dumbest comment ever award goes to this guy right here. The reason that we dropped the bombs is because it would have taken as many or more AMERICAN soldier's lives to invade mainland Japan. I don't know how it works in whatever socialist country you live in, but generally we as Americans would rather save 200,000 of our own than citizens of a warring nation. BTW those people were not innocent...had America been forced to invade Japan they all would have fought to the death because that is what the Japanese were taught to do. Look up "bayonet charge."

Ah the point that i believe he is making is that it would have been American soldiers' lives not civilians and yes they were innocent do you really believe that every man woman and child who died in that bomb was an evil Japanese person bent on destroying America? Besides, the first bomb may have been justified in terms of numbers, the second bomb was a deterrent to the Soviet Union and strategically unnecessary. HolyAdept is right, don't be proud of that action.

Listen buddy. Civilian lives of an opposing warring nation are just not as important as your own men. Hate to break it to you.

i dont believe anyone should dignify Perdix with an intelligent response. Bc his skull is too thick and brain too small...probably has a small pecker too.

Davebrochill 0

 @73 those nuclear bombs saved over 1,000,000 American soldiers' lives. Japanese tradition is to fight to the death and never surrender. If that bomb had never been dropped then my grandfather would have had to leave the European theater to go over to the pacific, where -since he was in the 1st Infantry Divsion and would have seen a great bulk of fighting there just as he did in Europe - it is likely that he would have died. I would most likely not be alive right now, just as millions of others from other nations and my own, if those bombs were never dropped. My father would have never been born. So shut your mouth until you know what you're talking about and go cry in your corner.

I purposely didn't fully respond to the other one to not start an argument. Some people didn't get that. I Will not go cry in a corner. Obviously I said something about a topic I had minimal knowledge about. Leave it alone.

Davebrochill 0

Make sure you don't comment on things you have no knowledge of. You make yourself look like an ass.

FMLable 0

So, as stated above, according to your logic it would be perfectly justifiable had Iraq dropped a few nuclear bombs on America before they were invaded

FMLable 0

No because that definitly wouldnt have saved lives if anything it would have led America to retaliate massively and lead to many more deaths.

Davebrochill 0

Not at all. Don't twist my words. What I have said is true and I have no more need to defend the matter. What's done is done. Stop trying to prove something to yourself by twisting my comments. That was a different time and it WAS the best option. That doesn't mean it is now. Everyone on this site needs to grow up and stop trying to prove who is right or wrong. Everything I have said is fact, don't make it seem otherwise.

Davebrochill 0
bcns 0

that's not even funny..... at all