By mattrd - 13/02/2013 21:01 - United States
mattrd_fml tells us more.
OP here. First off, I am a father. Not a mother. lol. for everyone who wonders how this could happen, I should have put the baby powder back in his diaper caddy, but for some reason I didn't. I have no reason just forgot I guess. And sometime during me preparing his lunch he went to his room grabbed it off his changing table and powdered the house until it was empty and longer any use to him. He is quick! I wish I had eyes on the back of my head. Thanks for all the people who were understanding.
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OP here. First off, I am a father. Not a mother. lol. for everyone who wonders how this could happen, I should have put the baby powder back in his diaper caddy, but for some reason I didn't. I have no reason just forgot I guess. And sometime during me preparing his lunch he went to his room grabbed it off his changing table and powdered the house until it was empty and longer any use to him. He is quick! I wish I had eyes on the back of my head. Thanks for all the people who were understanding.
It happens, OP. Tis the nature of parenthood.
I have a 2 yr old son who has done this same thing but luckily kept it isolated to just his's a toddler thing and they're quick lol
Please don't use baby powder if you have a baby girl (afterwards, I know your current child is a boy). It has been clinically proven to cause ovarian cancer even if only used when the woman was an infant
YDI or leaving it where a two year old could reach it, what did you think would happen?
The YDIs obviously have never had a two year old. At least yours isn't obsessed with their own poop.
The YDI's have CLEARLY never been in a house for more than a few hours with a toddler. Here's a tip for your futures. They climb, sneak, and are smarter then you are......mainly b/c they use sleep warfare against you ! And powder takes EONS to clean up >.<
what a lovely guy, it doesnt matter.
Yell you know they aren't called the terrible twos for nothing...
My youngest got out of his crib when he was two, covered his ENTIRE BODY, including his hair, in zinc oxide ointment and then baby powder (cornstarch based, not talc, not poisonous). We were cleaning that stuff up for weeks.
They are very sneaky.

Well now your house will smell like new baby fresh scent! :)
Be glad. When they're older they'll be spilling their cocaine around the house.