By ihatelongflights - 21/08/2009 16:18 - United States

Today, I was on a flight coming back home. On my right was a fat monk who was snoring very loudly, and on my left there were two old women who were talking about their teenage love lives in detail. The flight was 17 hours long. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 756
You deserved it 3 023

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I feel sorry for you :(. Thats what Ipods are for. FYL.

You should have listened to the older women. You might have learned something.


What are you talking about?! Listening to old women talk about their teenage sex lives sounds awesome!!!

why do people complain about flying? your flying, humans aren't meant to fly. can't you just appreciate the fact that you are flying?

I've gone on a 17 hour flight before. That alone is an FML. You REALLY should have brought an iPod with you though. That was poor planning on your part. Still, FYL ):

Next time, get a private jet that serves you mint julep and strippers on a silver platter.

Hahahahaha! You should have ordered a bag of peanuts and lured the fat monk away to anoter seat with them. Then you should have "accodentally" bump the creepy old ladies so they fall and slide down the aisle of the plane. No more problems! :D

(Straight face) DUDE! There were two chicks discussing about sex! When they were teens! That's the time to get a laptop and some **** and wait for an orgy.

HahaYDI 0

ask for another seat...why waste 17 hours, Im sure they would let you

Sounds fake - there are not many 17 hours flights, you can't sleep for 17 hours, and you can't keep talking for 17 hours - the OP greatly exaggerates.

Not many still means there are some and OP happened to be on one of them. Believe it or not there are planes that can fly for 17 hours without refuelling so OP wasn't exaggerating

I would just put on my headphones and get over it!