By ihatelongflights - 21/08/2009 16:18 - United States

Today, I was on a flight coming back home. On my right was a fat monk who was snoring very loudly, and on my left there were two old women who were talking about their teenage love lives in detail. The flight was 17 hours long. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 756
You deserved it 3 022

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I feel sorry for you :(. Thats what Ipods are for. FYL.

You should have listened to the older women. You might have learned something.


waterynuggets 0

I'm hoping someone posted this already, but how do you know you were flying next to a monk? Was he wearing the typical "Brown Robe" and "Rope" belt. Come on. Really!?! And where were you flying home from and to?

sAme thing happened to me. but i was in a chinse resturaunt

Because, you know, everybody, when not talking about sex for seventeen hours straight, sleeps for seventeen hours straight. Speak your mind, but please try and be respectful to these lying douche bags.

Punchingbag 0

my longest flight was about 23 hours! alberta to london london to dubai dubai to mauritius island

Buddhist monks shave their heads and wear scarlet and gold. If the OP was flying to Southeast Asia-- Thailand for example-- it's quite likely the monk was traditionally dressed. Fransiscan friars still wear brown robes and rope-like belts. I know this because my cousin is one.

lifeisabitch9 0

Today I was on a 17 hour flight...I went to sleep, so I didn't have to listen to these two old ladies to my right talking about their teenage sex lives. I don't know what's worse, waking up to hear one of the women describing her first ****** in detail, or seeing the kid to my left masturbating to the conversation.