By Anonymous - 03/07/2013 16:25 - United States - Iowa City

Today, I was on a movie date with my boyfriend, when he asked for a handjob. I thought I was doing well until he sighed, took my hand off, and said he could finish on his own. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 724
You deserved it 18 646

Same thing different taste

Top comments

spekledworf 18

I hope it wasn't in public. I work at a movie theater and have walked in on worse than handjobs. We don't appreciate it.


what were you expected without lubrication? I standing ovation? #fail

CharresBarkrey 15

#Thisisnttwitter. #thesedontworkhere

therealafroninga 10

But everyone hashtags random numbers... I don't get it.

therealafroninga 10

Before everyone down votes me to china, I'm joking.

Uncircumcised males are more than capable of reaching ****** without lube. I've slept with one.

therealafroninga 10

Damn you religion, you took my chance at sex without lube!!!

Well isn't the excitement of being in public and the chance of being caught what draws couples to become, for a lack of a better phrase, hot and bothered? I mean c'mon, live a little. Don't act like you've never wanted to try it, if not have actually done it before. -.- OP just needs a little practice. :) Which, In my opinion, the BF should have been a little patient, taken her home, and taught her lmao

LuckBeNimble 19

not everyone is an exhibitionist. see #3 and #4.

And what about considering the people around you who usually happen to not want to witness people performing sexual acts?

TheDrifter 23

Especially when some Dick fires a wad at the back of their head.

What about the people that do want to see this? They're out there.

RedPillSucks 31

This definitely spoiled "Muppets From Space" for me.

That is horrible. Not in public, really. YDI.

I believe there is a button you should be clicking instead of commenting what the button allows you to express.

CharresBarkrey 15

Holy shit, there's a 'This is horrible. Not in public, really' button now?!

He sounds pretty ungrateful! He shouldn't take for granted that he has a girl that will do things like that with him. If I were you I would make him work a little harder for your attention. Maybe then he will appreciate it more. I'd probably also make an off-hand comment about needing to use his own hand more often if he doesn't.

Everyone's gotta learn! Perhaps you should remind him of this and also that your next boyfriend might be a little more compensating and show you how it's done without being a total twat about it....

avapaige1234 19

I've had it worse, though. My bf just laughed at me while I was at an attempt to give him a ********. Still, FYL

perdix 29

I still don't get the point of the hand job. If the movie is so boring that he needs that for entertainment, you might as well blow off the next few minutes of the show and suck him off. Who picked the shitty movie anyways?

Ha! Sounds like you would purposely choose this week's Rotten Tomato pick, in hopes of that treat. You can lure her in with promises of ju-ju beans!

That's an expensive way to go about getting ********, Enslaved!

You're right, Pleonasm! If you think those ticket prices will rape you, just wait 'til you get to the concession stand! :P

perdix 29

I dunno. If I got jerked around by the movie studio with a trailer that showed the only good 30 seconds of the movie, I don't think I'd be in the mood to get jerked around literally. On the other hand, if the movies sucks, . . .

RedPillSucks 31

on the other hand? sucks? Make up your mind. You want two hand job or the happy ending?

therealafroninga 10

Or, if the movie really sucks, she could perform the rusty trombone, but that would require the removal of his pants.

martin_martian7 11

They were probably watching Twilight.