By Juicy12Jham - 09/09/2011 03:30 - United States

Today, I was on the phone with Microsoft Customer Service for about a total of 2 hours. That's the longest I've ever talked to anybody. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 109
You deserved it 4 460

Same thing different taste

Top comments

yamatelle 19

I'll give you my Word, OP. Social life is not something you Excel at. On the bright side, you got Access to their customer service. I'm telling you, no matter how many times I used my customer Power to get to the Point of my problem, they go around the bushes and never answer my questions or solve the problem.


scarydragonlady 2
yamatelle 19

I'll give you my Word, OP. Social life is not something you Excel at. On the bright side, you got Access to their customer service. I'm telling you, no matter how many times I used my customer Power to get to the Point of my problem, they go around the bushes and never answer my questions or solve the problem.

EVER? Somebody needs to get out more :)

DinosaursAreCool_fml 8

Did you actually talk about Microsoft? Lol. But at least it wasn't a damn robot voice recording thing.

yamatelle 19

Have a positive Outlook in life. I'm sure there people out there that could make Excel-lent friends with you. I seriously need to get to bed. It's 3 AM and I don't know what the **** I'm talking about.

EnEl_Infierno 15

Uh burritos... wait, **** wrong fml.

XxHoPPoxX 8

its only sad because he plays on x box

Finn_the_human 5

If only you could just text them instead.

Perhaps you should Access the conversation files and decide to publish "er ??

Yea 28. You forgot to mention the fact that you called from your Office ad that it was during 2007. You need to check what you write, or hire someone as your Publisher to spellcheck your work. If you need any more help, I know a good fellow called Sam. He's a bit monotone though...

yamatelle 19

58- I know Sam. He's my neighbor. I saw him through my Windows the other day with 7 other people. I don't talk to him because enonymous told me he's a douche.

He should step up on his Word so that he can Excel in his social life so that might get some Power Point on how to get laid so that he won't have to put up with a Micro soft *******. Hopefully, this will get him a positive Outlook in his life and he won't be stuck on OneNote.

NeonBlack 0

The first time I read this, I saw "Minecraft Customer service. "

I hope you had fun talking about whatever issue was occurring for two hours. :p

No doubt 90% of that 2 hrs was waiting on hold and the other 10% being passed around between reps getting useless advice irrelevant to the problem :)

Christianrules 1

Yea Think of this as practice for whenyou actually get a life OP.

schaflava 0

Are you john candy I'll love me

Rapt0rJesus 0

Your avatar picture makes this comment funnier.

DontModMeDammit 10

no worries, 2 hours is quite long for a phone conversation. everyone just texts these days.

Vash_41288 10

Your right most do still text but I still enjoy the occasional phone conversation and mine last just about that long. They can be fun :)

sxe_beast 11

Well the OP's never talked to anyone that long ever on or off the phone... :o Forever Alone...

PocketRockette 0

U need to get out the house more

enonymous 8

Did Microsoft Sam pick up? That guy is a douche!

DinosaursAreCool_fml 8

Haha! Your comment made my night. I love you guy!

Better than going around in circles with an Apple rep for two hours (and inevitably getting nowhere)!!

sydneylol 7

Wait did you talk to the geniuses?!