By Fattymuch - 14/09/2011 14:27 - India

Today, I was online looking up ways to lose weight, get thinner and be healthier, all the while eating a slab of brownie that was half the size of my head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 965
You deserved it 51 983

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Omnomnom don't fight it, brownies are amazing.

candicurl 9

Looks like that diet * puts on sunglasses* will have to weight. YEAAAAAHHHHHHH


I want my, I want my fatty cakes. Cause they're good, to me. But I can't, do PT. It's the same sad song.

jerico616 14

Unless those brownies were laced with pot, why the Hell would you eat half a pan of them?

here's a way you can lose weight, and still splurge on a brownie sometimes: look up the workout program insanity. now, bad news: losing weight and being have to work at it. this program, you can workout 30 mins a day the first month and an hour the second. I lost a good amount of weight in just 3 weeks and actually ran a marathon without stopping. good luck!

Diets don't work, my friend. It has to be a life-style change. You may find a diet that helps you lose weight but as soon as you're off it you gain it all back. Believe me, I know. I was on and off diets all through high school. When I graduated, I was nearly 200 lbs. Move more, eat less, eat healthier. Remember that treats are treats and not snacks. Have them sparingly. All I did was start walking more, drinking more water, and learned to stop eating when I was getting full. In about 7 months I lost over fifty pounds and went from a size 14 to a size 6. I didn't deny myself anything and still don't. I love the occasional brownie and/or cookie. I just don't over do it. If you want to be TONED then, yeah, get a workout routine. I'm still too lazy for that, myself. If you just want to lose the extra pounds, just learn how to live better.

FMLoverAgain 7

this is the best advice that you will ever get from anyone and any research! It's the ultimate truth from God and it should be the bible that you live by!

ShroomsOnAcid 16

All that advice about how to lose weight isn't really about how to just get thinner but how you should be living in the first place. People think you can just stop after you're done, but you are what you eat, and do. It all has to turn into a permanent habit. Once it turns into a habit, consider that weight already lost. (Unless of course other factors like thyroid function come into play.)

perdix 29

I'm glad you used the Internet to find that giant brownies aren't conducive with your desired body shape. Most people would use their common sense.

Let me guess, you probably polish off a half-gallon of ice cream during the Bigget Loser. The only exercise you get is reaching for another helping. Pizza Hut has YOUR number on THEIR speed dial. You don't need to go on the internet to figure out how to lose weight. A: Eat less B: Exercise more It is really that simple. Instead of sitting in front of the computer get up and go take a walk - AND NOT TO THE FRIDGE!

ShroomsOnAcid 16

I see your point but it's not ALL that simple. The body is a complex machine that requires a precise balance of nutrition and activity to function at its best. Don't discourage education!