By Fattymuch - 14/09/2011 14:27 - India

Today, I was online looking up ways to lose weight, get thinner and be healthier, all the while eating a slab of brownie that was half the size of my head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 965
You deserved it 51 983

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Omnomnom don't fight it, brownies are amazing.

candicurl 9

Looks like that diet * puts on sunglasses* will have to weight. YEAAAAAHHHHHHH


Stress is the biggest weight loss. Eat this tart in the picture.

Actually, I gain weight when I stress. And no, I eat less when I'm stressed, not more.

leadman1989 15

YDI YDI YDI YDI YDI!!!! I admire the guy running in his basement, but YDI You dumb idiot!

YOU FAT ..... sort your life out, not difficult. stop making excuses

fthislyfe 22

And she never said she was fat...stop jumping to conclusions. She wants to be healthier.

the fml kinda implies she's fat "thinner and healthier?" If you weren't fat you wouldn't be so desperate to turn to the Internet.

fthislyfe 22

87: not really true. Some people are not fat but they THINK they're fat. Like my mom...

ShroomsOnAcid 16

87 The Internet: Fatties Only. So why are you on the internet?

iluffmcrandbvb 1

so I guess that means your fat?

ShroomsOnAcid 16

Here's to hoping you have a head the size of one serving of brownies.

Gather up the information and start your diet/exercise program tomorrow, fresh! I hope you enjoyed the brownie to the last bite, since it will be your last for awhile.(: Good luck!

ReynshineCutting 10

No worries OP. We all have to eat like that sometimes. The point is you've made the first step into looking into getting healthier. That right there is progress. It's a hard thing to do so don't torture yourself and enjoy those brownies every now and then!

uhhhh the fact you realize the brownie is a bad idea proves you're kinda dumb ... or an attention seeker ... step one, don't eat shit duh ...

leadman1989 15

Cognitive dissonance at it's best.

shrdlu 28

Also multitasking, just not the right tasks