By badluck - 21/07/2014 19:31 - Canada - Medicine Hat

Today, I was out with my boyfriend, when he started browsing wedding rings. He found a ring, proposed to me right there in front of a crowd, and then was promptly denied a payment plan. We left without a ring. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 392
You deserved it 5 749

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like he didn't think that out very carefully.


Reality_bites 14

I'm wondering if he knew he couldn't afford the ring and thought that if he proposed in front of the crowd that the store would be more likely to approve the payment plan....

It's the thought that counts. It was done with love.

punk_cowboi 5

Well at least he wants to marry you

the ring isn't the important thing. a diamond is actually worthless. id rather my bf get me a cheap ring at kohls and put the $3k he would have wasted on a diamond towards our home. the only reasons diamonds cost so much is because ita really only one company that owns them. the owner of it even publicly said diamonds are worthless. buy a cheap ring, and put the extra money towards the future.

That sucks for both you and your boyfriend (fiancé?) but it's the thought that counts in this situation I think. Sounds uber romantic. My now husband and I found a ring but he "couldn't transfer the funds" at the time. He then proceeded to tell me that when he went back to get it, it was flawed so he didn't get it. I got a little mad and told him to not take me ring shopping anymore. Then we got home and he brought out the ring and said, "so...ya wanna marry me?" Haha, so romantic... Hopefully you guys get your ring, this gives him a chance to be romantic again :)

rissarea 7

Unfortunately I had a similar issue and found that it was because we weren't meant to be. I eventually bought my own lovely 3/4 carat ring.

So? You're getting married. Cherish that, motherhugger.

It's the thought that counts...He probably knew his creditworthiness and still took the risk of being embarrassed in front of everyone for the sake of wanting to be with thankful. guys like us are very few out there.

I know love conquers all etc... Although the resentment that gets built over years of having to financially support someone and having everything in your name because of their credit is hard to overcome. The responsibility is enormous and puts a lot pressure on the relationship.

Axel5238 29

Agreed, if his credit is so bad that it'll be a problem she might want to reconsider. Also, maybe ask why his credit is so bad. Student loans or something else? That stuff will tear marriages apart and not away you want to start on. That love conquers all stuff is nice, but realistically reality will conquer all and love will not put food on the table George Carlin said something about money along the lines of: Money can't buy happiness, but it can give you options, which makes you less stressed which then does give you some happiness.

You rock for the George Carlin reference, 81. And you and 71 both rock for the dose of reality. Dammit, I come to FML to reaffirm my cynicism, not read chirpy comments about how love conquers all!