By Anonymous - 12/11/2010 21:31 - United States

Today, I was outside, eating a sandwich, when I noticed a homeless man was standing in front of me. Upon making eye contact, he grabbed the rest of my sandwich and ran off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 910
You deserved it 5 025

Same thing different taste

Top comments

_blah_blah_blah_ 1

it's more like his life sucks and you should go get yourself another sandwich..imagine what it's like to be so desperate for food that you have to steal yank it from someone's hand and run...


darronigan 0

Shouldn't have made eye contact. They see that as a challenge xDDD

all you dumbasses that say the homeless man deserved are retarded he's probably hungry cause he was on speed or some shit or he's gonna trade the Sammich for and booze and crack

I would have beat chased him down and took my sandwich back!!! then drop kicked him in the throat!!!

Those homeless people do the funniest shit.

darklight549 2


YDI, you should have tripped him. Otherwise FYL.

you shouldn't eat in front of the homeless it's like teasing them and that's not right or nice so I think it's ok that he took it cause you could always make another one.