By theydidsmellitthough - 08/02/2013 21:59 - Israel - Netanya

Today, I was playing Slender, when I caught a glimpse of the Slenderman. I jumped in my chair, letting rip a huge fart in the process. Nobody heard it, but only because my shrieks of terror drowned out the sound. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 194
You deserved it 9 400

Same thing different taste

Top comments

random_person243 14

your user name completes this FML .

I personally do not find that game frightening. I was disappointed. At least you didn't shit yourself, OP.


Lol I've played the game And in my opinion it wasn't scary.. The fact that you screamed and almost shat yourself tells me you're either a pussy, extremely immature, trying to get attention, or all three.

xStaciexLynnx 15

Oh yes, people always fart 'for attention'. That's a very logical conclusion.

squideth 18

You're such a badass 40. Anyone who isn't exactly like you MUST be a pussy.

That's what you get for playing slender...

Satoaoi 13

never played it before. all I know own about it is he has no face or something o.o

trust me they heard the fart,fart is never covered up

Was he in your living room? Cause I would have farted too. A lot.

Slenderman is a god awful excuse of a "scary game" try playing classic games like silent hill, and clock tower. I promise you, you will be scared. Horror genre games these days suck with the exception of Dead Space series. I haven't felt fear breath down my neck since those games. If you don't believe me I challenge you :) have fun

The only thing I can say to this is... Nothing. I can only laugh. HAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHA.

TheyCallMeDamien 17

You should send this FML to the company that designed the game because I'm sure they'd be delighted to know they did a good job.