By Anonymous - 24/11/2012 13:59 - United States

Today, I was playing with my four year-old cousin. He had a toy whale and said, "Shark!" I corrected him and told him it was a whale. He picked it up, threw it at my face, and yelled, "SHAAARK!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 470
You deserved it 7 855

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hiimhaileypotter 52

Just chase him with it and pretend it's a shark that wants to eat him. Then grab him and tickle him mercilessly. I'm sure after that he'd wish he'd said it was a whale.

watermelon1 35

At least he didn't call you a whale, and then throw the toy at you.


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OP wasn't necessarily F'ing with him.. Was just correcting him, because chances are they way older than 4, and you'd assume they'd know the difference between sharks and whales. It was an FML because all OP did was correct them and next thing you know, they then found out how it feels when toys are launched at your face.

xblair 11

Kids right now are just brats it makes me sick

alliewillie 22

Honestly, welcome to the world of small children. Anyone whose ever had one/lived with one/babysat one would tell you suck it up, that's how they can be. Life = not f*cked.

Plus, he's a FOUR year old, how is that someone to fear?

kxxjoejoexxk 8

Damn, I thought I was getting thumbed down because my joke sucked, not because y'all thought I was being serious.

49- I'm being realistic. Not everything has to be sarcasm, nor seriously taken. We all have opinions. I've had a toddler throw toys at me, and it does not feel good. Its FML for OP because he was only correcting and the toddler responded in a painful way.

You sir, are a clock juggling thunder **** that should die in a hole.

Hiimhaileypotter 52

Just chase him with it and pretend it's a shark that wants to eat him. Then grab him and tickle him mercilessly. I'm sure after that he'd wish he'd said it was a whale.

Or scream WHALE and throw the toy back at him

Or scream beached whale and drop him off in the desert.

Maybe whales are sharks and sharks are whales and this kid is the only one who knows! ...then again it could just be that the kid is a normal 4 year old...

75- Your name suggests that your senses are failing, but the only sense I see failing is your common sense.

90-my name is a reference to a band named senses fail who drew it from becoming one with nature until your senses fail. And it seems everyone's sense of sarcasm is failing because at the end I turned it off and showed I was being overly dramatic. Sorry if people didn't pick up on it, but I see many reasons why whales are not sharks and didn't think commenters cynical enough to think I actually believed the bullshit I was spewing.

Brotip #1735 it doesn't matter how gangsta you are. When a toddler hands you a ringing toy phone. You answer that shit.

FrozenIceHawk 7

This is a tough one... Ima go with FYL, but keep in mind that this kid is only 4 and may have certain tendencies. Like throwing things when he's wrong.

Obviously the right thing to do is correct him. It's important to make sure kids learn facts otherwise it's likely they'll be stupid and / or ignorant later in life.

This isn't a tough one...Ima go with "thumb down", but keep in mind children should know the difference between a whale and a shark. Maybe should keep that temper in check as he grows up.

Either way, its not right that he throws thing period.

SoSoRachel 7

Sens3sfailing you're not one to talk. You're three years older than me.

83- she never said SHE wasn't a youth? She just meant that you are one.

KiddNYC1O 20

Shoot, I'm 10 years older than you and I'm still part of the youth of America...

Why is this on FML? This is cute and funny. And he's standing his ground. He's a little bad ass

watermelon1 35

At least he didn't call you a whale, and then throw the toy at you.

No, do. The ass whipping is missing from throwing said toy. Correct bad behavior when young so that way they don't turn into dickwads when older

@59 - They usually end up as dicks either way.

ryry013 6

Like you? Most people here seemed to turn out fine.

@73 - Yeah, like me. Mostly I was just in a bad mood yesterday, though.

"Duck!" "No Billy, that's not a duck that's a sni—..." *gets head blown off* "I twied ta wawn ya!"